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A deep dive into tech, trends
and teachable moments.

As we move toward a future of collaboration and growth, Teapot embraces the essence of thought leadership. In the ever-changing, and ever-challenging, digital world it is increasingly important to share authenticity, empowerment, and influence.

We hope to foster genuine curiosity and a focus on passion and experience into our narrative, though insights that challenge the status quo, provoke creativity and nurture meaningful connections within our industry.

Everything you need to know about Google’s AI model – Gemini

In the fast-paced, ever-changing world of artificial intelligence (AI), OpenAI has reigned supreme with the launch of its GPT-4 large…

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The arrival of HPOS and why it’s great news for your WooCommerce store.

In its role as the crown-wearing champion among eCommerce software platforms globally, it's no surprise that WooCommerce continues to push…

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Prestashop 1.6 – How to add voucher codes and discounts to your store.

In this video I'm going to take you through the technique for applying cart rules and discount vouchers to your…

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What is outsourced marketing and what are the benefits?

In today's competitive business landscape, companies are constantly seeking ways to gain a competitive edge. One strategy that has gained…

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Getting started with Google Search Console.

Getting started with Google Search Console can be overwhelming for beginners who are new to website optimisation and search engine…

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Will humans beat AI design tools?

Picture this: a human graphic designer walks into a bar, orders a drink, and starts to work on a brand…

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